Homebuilder Ratings & Reviews

CB JENI Homes Reviews

739 Homeowner Reviews Completed Oct 2022 - Apr 2024

Builder Profile

When working with CB JENI Lifestyle Homes, Texas’ largest and best townhome builder, you’ll enjoy low-maintenance living in the most desirable locations. Our townhomes are close to employment centers, shopping, entertainment and all the places you need to make your life meaningful. These featured communities will give you a taste of the great floorplans, locations, and prices that come standard with each CB JENI home!

Homebuilder Customer Reviews

No one knows more about a homebuilder's quality and service than the builder's customers.

Since 1984, Eliant has been independently evaluating the performance of homebuilders across the U.S., Canada, and the Middle East:

  • We ask recent homebuyers to evaluate their builder's purchase process.
  • Then, we ask homeowners to evaluate their builder's quality and service (1) after the first 5-months in the home, and (2) again at the end of the first year.

In "Homebuilder Customer Reviews", we present the ratings and comments collected from new-home buyers at these three points in time.

Eliant verifies that only evaluations completed by actual customers are included in this "Homebuilder Customer Reviews" site. No other evaluations - whether collected by the builder or those appearing on other public sites - are included here. All customer comments are included verbatim, no editing is permitted.